Do you know their names? If you don't want to disclose that imfo I understand but ask them if they know "Toothless". In my old life I knew a few lads from Herefordshire.
I will pass that on next time I see them.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
Do you know their names? If you don't want to disclose that imfo I understand but ask them if they know "Toothless". In my old life I knew a few lads from Herefordshire.
I will pass that on next time I see them.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
I have two friends who have been regular visitors to that part of the world - one of them an ex British SAS commando, and thus extremely knowledgeable about firearms.
After one visit, they brought back with them a sample of the North West Frontier Province's gunsmithing. This was a neat little 0.25 calibre piece - very, very easy to conceal. (How they managed to get it through customs, though, I didn't want to know!)
The gunsmiths of Peshawar will turn out almost anything, not just AK47s. They have no difficulties with affixing an authentic looking brand name on it, either. With the illegally made British 0.303s that have turned up in Australia, you have to look very carefully to see that they are not the "real deal".
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
all illegal weapons start out as legal.
most of the weapons used in crimes are not from across the border or from ISIS or wherever. They are firearms originally purchased legally.
So now it is "most" instead of "all", as you originally claimed.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
Thanks for that information about the illegal gun manufacturing activities in the Mexican city of Warez (Juarez ?)
None of it, though, comes as any surprise. Even with an ordinary "jobbing" centre lathe, fabrication of a firearm is not a difficult exercise. However, any halfway decent light engineering works is going to also have such machine tools as Numerical Control (CNC) and/or Turret Lathes - not to mention Milling Machines - with which it would be possible to almost mass produce illegal guns.
Furthermore, in many Third World countries (including the one I lived in for 17 years), it is not at all difficult to get the authorities to turn a blind eye to such activities.
Glock, Remington and Winchester, eat your heart out!
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
Illegal gun owners don't get them from a different factory.
You are assuming that all firearms can only come from "legal and reputable" companies".
In actual fact, it is not too difficult to make a firearm:
- all you need is a model-engineer's sized centre lathe (such as a Myford "Super 7", for example), some basic engineering materials, plus some rather basic metal working skills (such as I myself possessed by the time I was 12 months into my apprenticeship).
I have seen this done first hand. Eleven years ago, while working at a site in Papua New Guinea, we had to sack several employees in our mechanical workshop, after we caught them doing just that (at the same time confiscating and destroying their handiworks). And .... I can bloody well assure you that they were doing was illegal! Had those weapons ever made it into criminal hands, they at no time ever would have been "legal" firearms.
Furthermore, there are certain parts of the world where this is done quite openly. A notable example (but not a sole one) is the city of Peshawar, in Pakistan. In the bazaars of that city, gunsmiths will make you a perfectly functioning replica of just about any firearm you choose - from a Boer War style British issue long barrelled Lee-Enfield 0.303, to an AK47 Assault Rifle, and everything else in between. (More than a few such illegally made replica 0.303s have turned up in this country - with Peshawar being the most likely origin). The only time these weapons are ever going to become "legal" is if a licensed firearm owner takes an advantage of a "Firearms Amnesty" and gets the weapon legally registered. But they definitely never ever started out life as "legal" weapons.
So, leave the likes of Glock, Winchester, Remington, Stirling etc. out of it (At the same time, stop castigating all firearm owners, such as myself, too!).
These reputable manufacturers are by no means the only source of firearms.
Sorry, Simon, but your claim does not stand, after all!
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
all illegal weapons start out as legal.
In this country, not the case. Most of the illegal weapons in circulation were smuggled in, rather than stolen.
It's got a lot more to do with inadequate "Border Security" than a lack of responsibility on the part of legal firearms owners.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
places like Australia, Ireland, etc where guns are completely outlawed
Hang on a minute, Mate!
As a licensed firearm owner who lives in Australia, I can tell you right now that that statement is bloody wrong! Firearms are not "completely outlawed" in Australia, as you just claimed they are.
(Anyway, your following remarks contradict your first statement, when you go on to state You can own a .22 pistol or rifle .... in other words, you are admitting there that it is possible, after all, to legally own a firearm in Australia).
My collection of rifles (all quite legal and above board) includes heavy calibre weapons as well as a .22. Also, it definitely DID NOT take me "forever" to acquire my firearms licence. In fact, it was a faster process than that required for a person to gain their first ever driver's licence.
Further, in this country, membership of a shooting club is just one of a number of reasons a firearm's licence applicant may use as justification for owning a firearm. (Formerly a hunter, and one of my hobbies is small-bore shooting, these days my rifles are used primarily for pest control).
Obviously (make that very obviously), the subject of firearms control is an emotional issue here:
- But Please ......... let's keep to facts!
mr. jackson was pressured by angus stewart to answer if the org condoned corporal punishment, to which he openly stated that the org does not condone corporal punishment for j.w.
this "fact" has never been revealed in the org's literature, in fact, this article which was published under geoffrey jackson's supervision, by definition demonstrates the org's approval of corporal punishment for j.w.
in countries where physical punishment / spanking is forbidden by law, as in most European countries, the wording is different, and there is no mention of spanking. The rod mentioned is an oral rod.
Weasel talk aplenty on the part of the WTS, by the sound of it - with much talk coming from both sides of its mouth! (Again)
mr. jackson was pressured by angus stewart to answer if the org condoned corporal punishment, to which he openly stated that the org does not condone corporal punishment for j.w.
this "fact" has never been revealed in the org's literature, in fact, this article which was published under geoffrey jackson's supervision, by definition demonstrates the org's approval of corporal punishment for j.w.
When the book of Proverbs talks about "beating" with the rod, it can only be referring to one thing:
- i.e. corporal punishment.
No amount of rationalisation over the "Greek meaning of the word for discipline" can get around that fact. Nor can confusing "The Rod" with a shepherd's "Staff" help matters much either. Elsewhere in the Old Testament, "The Rod" and "The Staff" are identified as being two separate implements. And even the "staff" (where I come from, known as a "mustering stick") is frequently used to deliver blows. I still have my old mustering stick, a 1.5 metre long piece of manuka, and it was used to whack a recalcitrant cattle beast across the @$$ just as often as it was ever used to guide sheep into a gateway. So much for the attempts of some bible apologists to try and explain the its reference to "The Rod" as really meaning the shepherd's "staff", and that this device is merely used for "guiding" an animal.
In my 28 years involvement with this bloody cult (1966-1994), I saw corporal punishment used almost on an everyday basis, with the open blessing of the religion. In fact, parents who did not use corporal punishment were viewed with open disdain. Also, when Sweden (as far as I am aware, the first country in the world to do this) outlawed corporal punishment in 1978, there was some consternation amongst the JWs. All agreed that the "Swedish brothers" would ignore that law, and thus "render Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God."
Furthermore, Jackson will be fully aware of all this, too.
Bloody liar!
hey guys,.
i'm just venting here because obviously, i can vent to no one else because i am still in the congregation.. jws as a whole do nothing to help the poor, the homeless, the sick, the hungry, though some individual jws do.
because they are too busy giving to the gb.
They are not even good at helping their own out when times are hard.
When my children were very young and their mother required three months in hospital, I had to go for help to an organisation run by the local churches. (Our wonderful "brothers" - who would apparently lay their lives down on our behalf - accused me of "using" people when I sought assistance from the congregation).
All this occurred in a small town, where there are no secrets. Not surprisingly, the irony of the whole situation was not lost on the local churches! In fact, I would go as far as to say it completely negated the effects of many years' worth of door to door activity by the local congregation.